
yeah! The Cutest Thing Contest has finally come to an end. hmm... I am the 7th of all entries~ only the top 5 stand a chance to win the prize. Quite sad cause their photo aren't cute enough XD Anyway, just wanna inform everybody that the contest is over~ thank you for your vote too! Those who voted for me, THANK YOU for your effort to click in the link, like and vote for me :)

Besides this, I went to do treatment for my hair~ wow! The consequence was I cannot wash my hair for 2 days! OMG! Did I actually survive for 2 days without washing my hair?! Yes, I did! *this-sentence-sounds-so-annoying* my hair is super flat now and I don't like flat hair~ == ishh! although it looks smooth and nice~ but I prefer my fluffy hair XD Don't worry, few months later my hair will become fluffy again~ just give it some time to recover~

I changed my specs! wohoo! I like it~ and some terrible thing happened! That day when I was in my room, I left my lovely specs on the bed and unfortunately, I ter-pressed it, and the lens pop out of the frame! hak sei me! but after that i pressed the lens back to its original position~ thank God I manage to do so == wonderful experience! Lesson learnt: don't ever try to put fragile stuff on your bed especially new spectacles! :(

Still remember the lower ground? We always go there 混 during our free time!
BTW, when is the actual father's day? 

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