
It's raining this morning, don't feel like waking up but still have to do so. I'm having physics topic test today, it worth 5% ONLY == flip through the manual and jot down some notes. Hmm, looks simple look only ar but still hard for me.

Went to coll by taxi today. It's the same taxi I took yesterday, so Ngam right?! XD the same Chinese driver.
When I was paying him...

Uncle: 昨天早上很塞车hor
Meee: 是啦,我每天早上都回从那边过来
Uncle: oh, 是呀! 我给你我的名片啦~
Meee: okay thank you! Buh-bye!

很巧eh~~~ :)

Simon! Hahahaha

Written on Wed *teehee*

posted from Bloggeroid

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