Dear Readers,

Lotsa stuff to blog XD
It's gonna be long post.

No longer the same as last time... decision made is a fact. All we have to do is to face the fact with a smile. not a fake one I think I'll remind about us when I sit at the same table next time. Hmm, are we still friend?

As busy as a buzzing bee~ non-stop topic test and homework. I'm like running a marathon without an end. Welcome to college life~ maybe busy life is a way to cure emptiness but not loneliness *sounds so emo huh* got to read more, write more and speak more~ for academic purpose Haha

We need a key to open the lock. What if the key is there but the lock is spoilt? I don't know how I spoil it XD I was just trying to open it with only one hand because i was holding too many stuff. Repaired it and it went back to its position as usual.

We have fun throwing this to each other with a high pitch voice. Although it sounds very different from the game. Haha, yea, I like it very much, millions of thanks to the one who gave me this. birthday present yo :D

Pandan cake, not a fancy one. It just tasted so friendly and heart warming. Gathering with friends without laughing non stop is kinda weird... still remember how we laugh after eating the sugary roti tisu? I miss that moment a whole truck load~ thank you everyone for that night, I'm officially 18 Wahaha!

This is my sister, Yong Teng. She joined the justea game. And yea, VOTE for her!!
Like it, register yourself and VOTE!! Ask ur friends or relatives to vote too~~~ appreciate every single vote from u guys~ :)

Went to this restaurant this afternoon which located at Dengkil for lunch with family. So damn hot over there. We don't go to a "lao ya" place for no reason XD they are famous for huge prawns but I don't eat prawns.== oh yea, congratz to the And 1 champion and mvp. Haha, finally they made it. Didn't go this time~~ Haha

After that we travel all the way to Sungai Long for a family gathering. Everyone's there except for Emi Yong Qi, she went Singapore to study standard 1. So cham right? Hope that she's fine over there and I do miss her T.T

Her hair is short now coz its very mafan to take care of her own hair there, hope that this independent girl has a bright future:)

Tears drop and life goes on. you wouldn't know what happened behind a happy voice.

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