
Went Sunway to do some serious stuff today and then had our brunch at Hailam Kopitiam.
The one I used to go alone before SPM to do past year paper. XD
 Went Sun-U too. Anyone of you will be going to study AUSMAT? 
Do let me know if you wanna get some second-hand books, calculator too. 
After that went shopping at Pyramid. Hoho!
Brought home some new colours with different flavor. 
Mint, Grapes and Blackcurrant.
Wood comb from Daiso
Cosmetics stuff from Za 
And heels from Cotton On   
Special price items yo! All these cost me around RM150.

The very first shopping session after CNY
Didn't really have a list of what-to-buy actually
Turn out not bad haha 

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