
So yeah, it's the end of the year and everyone starts to go out on the street. This makes me feel like the population of our country grows 3 times more in a sudden. Sales and promotion is going on everywhere especially during this festive season. How tempting!!


Im stuck at home with the final assignment which means Im STUCK here! Wish to go out as every coursemates wish for. So, forgive me telling you guys Im busy with assignment every single time during the semester cause im really busy with it. Maybe Im super poor in managing my time but I tried kay. Will try harder from now on. =D

Came back to my nest on Christmas and start to chiong for the super-important-final-project until now without realising four days had passed. Christmas eve was like "just now". Seriously @@ It's like 5am now, imma sleep and wake up for group assignment tomorrow.

Late night is always the best time to blog, don't you think so? Especially when everyone is catching their ZZZ-s

Boyfie with the 囧 face from the land of Kimchi and me in my assignment 
i-dont-care-how-i look-like face. 

This dude just lost his phone like a big baby. 

what matter the most

Does it really matter how one person should look like? How to dress like a pretty gorgeous one? For me it doesn't really matter that much, as long as one's appearance is clean and tidy. All those nice fashionable outfit of course can enhance your self esteem and makes you feel better but it should not be the main purpose of your life dressing up like a queen or princess. -.- A person should be valued by her morality, virtues and behaviour. Not only appearance counts the most. Just a random thought reminding myself not to judge a book by it's cover but I still like to look nice haha!

I need improvement in EVERYTHING!


Guess it's the best time to blog when everyone is sleeping and what you have is just your own thought. Christmas is just around the corner which means holiday is coming real soon! Been busy with assignments and projects these few weeks but not to the extend to overnight in studio like last semester. Nyek! Lotsa work to do and time management is the key point of everything. WORK HARD mates! We gonna own freedom in few weeks time and I just can't wait for it to happen!

My face is getting rounder and rounder. 
Blame assignments that kill my free time. 

Oh yea, and the vain me. 
Teehee and good mid-night. 

less is more

Wish I could live a minimal life without all the distractions and excessive stuff. Focus on what is essential and make the fullest out of it. Don't follow others blindly without knowing our own ability. It's kind of saddening to compare and compete, follow the norm without knowing the purpose behind of it.

Little cookies and milk as dinner tonight. 
Surprisingly not feeling hungry after waking up from the super long nap.  


Told you I'm gonna sleep and ended up whatching the unfinished movie
I wonder am I the one with all the imperfection and can't do a single thing right
am I putting all my effort in what I wanted to do?
am I living my life the wrong way?

Sleep now, wake up and face the reality.

''There's nothing right in your left brain and nothing left in your right brain.''

等了一整天 还是未能出现
时间的限制 天气的恶劣 工作的压力


short update

Back from Bangkok and submitted the first project of semester 2. Phew~ not good enough, will work harder for the following project. Im currently at hometown now enjoying a little and it's time to sleep now. Good night peeps~

Your half smile that looks perfect on your face.  

Project 1

Project one 终于来到尾声了,星期三是大家的呈交日。

目前手上只剩 4 张presentation board 等待完成,
这次Lecturer要我们manually 做完四张A2 board
okay,挑战老娘的耐心 很好
我要睡觉了 晚安!


He came over to my place 
while I was doing assignment
I love the way how we spend the day together 
and end it with a surprise.

haha! Suppose to be a Christmas present 
but well I got the wrong size for him
and we gonna get the right one afterwards. 
Wee~ Good night, readers!

I've done my model and
left with 4 presentation boards.
Gotto rest well tonight. 


Mr. Peter, a very nice lecturer from Australia was invited to give us a 3-days-workshop. I think this is a very good opportunity for me to experience something new and learn more about design. Btw, his ponytail is very cool. =D 

First time in my life, I can actually feel the disappointment in a class. Before I step into the class, somebody told me that the lecturer is waiting for the students and expecting that everyone will be attending the class. In reality, not even half of the class was present. It was like less than 20 of us were there only, and he was still waiting... it's quite saddening to see this. 

I wish I could stay home and finish up the assignment but today has taught me a lesson. Be responsible in everything we do. 


Some point of time in your life
You just wanna stick around with that guy
He might not be the most perfect person in the world 
But yet you still give your best to him

The journey of growing up together is totally magical
One would always be considerate unconditionally to the other one
Overcoming obstacles that challenge one's mind and soul
with the sense of togetherness, 
trust and faith. 

 I love my boy. 

few weeks

It's been few weeks since the new timetable was used. The horrible one, staying up every Tuesday night to produce something for tutorial the next day and having classes at 8am totally kills me! I wonder  if they were trying to turn us into some freaking zombie. -.-

I need more time! Next week is going to be a super hectic one, lotsa assignment due. Life's being a bitch  piece of shit because of the time table, yes I'm blaming.

What's the point of new timetable if it screws everything up?







遇到 - 方雅賢

直到今世 我們相隔著一條街角


決定了 你的手我握了不會放掉




last smile before I sleep, good night. 

kinda emo

Ups and downs, certainly gonna happen in one's life. One moment I fell in love and the next moment I felt sad. Hmm, human emotion is kinda weird, especially for the girls. I just wanna let you know, no matter how much you've changed, changed for yourself.


Honestly, today sucks! From the moment I woke up until the moment before I call it a day. Everything just screwed up and tons of unexpected stuff happened. First incident, I purposely went to Divisional Office to double-triple-super confirm I have a class on Friday at 4pm. Okay, I didn't come back to hometown because of the class yesterday, plan changed. Then, someone went to school today expecting that there will be a class, ended up receiving announcement that the lecturer will not be coming for class and the class is canceled.

I waited patiently as there will be an online quiz at 6pm. Studying whole day for the quiz and finally it's 6pm. Everyone got so excited and started answering the quiz. Only 3 questions appeared on the page and the system's screwed itself up. After that somebody contact the lecturer and he wish us to have a nice weekend and the quiz will be postponed to next week.

I stay back for the class and quiz, and they didn't happen. Patience challenged.

At night, some files went missing from the hard disk and blame accepted for that.

What a lovely day I had, thank God for the challenges. *sincerely*

How I wish everything turn up perfectly as I wish. 

Sky Bar

那天和家人去了Sky Bar,位于Trader's Hotel 三十三楼。风景优美地点佳!这次主要是为了庆祝老妈生日~ 和一睹国油双峰塔的壮丽。






Yuhoo! I've been missing in action for the pass few months, I miss blogging a lot but still aways excuse myself for other stuff. Anyway, SEM 2 just started like 2 weeks ago and I'm back to uni and got myself a lappy by using the PTPTN money. Life's easier when you own your own money and buy your own stuff. I shall blog more from now onwards~ hehe! Btw, I wish my eyes and brain could work together for the history class tomorrow morning at eight. Keeping myself awake during lectures has become the toughest task to be done on Earth. @@ Off to bed, good night!

Morning class is killing my brain cells. 

站在右边 往上望 约45度角
嘿 你干嘛偷笑啊?
花痴诶! 晚安~

Final of First Sem

Hello guys, my first sem is gonna end soon in 2 weeks time. First time in my life, my final is not in exam form. This doesn't mean we don't have to face the stress as those study subject... hmm, another new system for me to adapt. Staying up late has becoming a norm nowadays, unless you are like a super genius octopus that has a huge brain and eight hands working at the same time... *err* hehe! So yeah, we just finished a group assignment where we were required to build a house to show the construction system used in it. Taadaa~~

Product of a few sleepless night... 

The actual design (Travertine Dream House)

Modified some part of the doors and windows. Not bad right?! XD
Thanks to all the hard work done by all the group members. 
And now I'm left with one last final project, individual assignment this time... 
Pray that I manage to finish all the work on time.

A thought

I feel tiny and I wanna learn more.
Be talented and contribute at the same time~ being normal isn't your fate, it's a choice. Live life, make dreams happen.

By the way, I just feel like learning a musical instrument XD seriously.

Just Ended

Okay, my one week semester break just ended YESTERDAY! How sad :( Gotto turn on every sense to squeeze out a DESIGN for the project~ I enjoy doing it but then the deadline is like in 2 weeks time. We have to submit all the design process and build a model in 2 WEEKS TIME! Gosh! The system's problem though.

Holiday was GREAT and I GAINED weight! Few years back I was dying to gain a single KG you know XD but nowadays FATS just accumulate by itself... My next post is gonna be the holiday post! wohoo! arranging the photos now~ I miss blogging and him.

Five more

After several exhausting week I'm gonna have my one week sem break starting from this Saturday! Haven't been blogging for a while due to the hectic schedule~ I just can't wait to finish this week! Five more days and I'll be free! 

Back to the reality now, OH GOSH! How I wish to have 8 hours of sleep every night. 


As we grow, we change subconsciously. Yes, I know we do need to change in order to grow, to excel to achieve our dreams. Leave behind those childish mind, be firm in our own paths and hold on our friendship tightly! Cherish others and be cherished is totally different from one another. I just need someone to tell me this "everything else changed and true friends still remain".

few weeks ago

This is the fourth week of uni and finally I have some time to sit down and blog in front of a pc, quite busy though. Honestly, I was so afraid when the semester starts. I'm afraid of new environment, new faces and of course the new lecturers. Lousy la, afraid of all these haha XD Hang out with a Sunway friend during the orientation week around the campus and BOOM! our course commenced. First day of the class I met a girl named Pei Erh, she transferred from another program. Shoo nice of her, she took care of me when I was still undergoing the sesat period, although I will still sesat in the campus sometimes but not that often now~

She's like a da jie jie among all of us =D

In the car

And the first week of class we went to Suria KLCC to do a site visit. Thankiew for fetching me there and back =D and yeah, made some new friends during that visit and then we were discussing to have lunch at WongKok to celebrate Wendy's birthday on that following Friday.

WOOHOO free gigantic milk tea!

and cake! hoho 
2nd week, we went to Tamna Jaya for site analysis as well. Gosh! The vending machine there is selling RM1 can drink!! We got so excited and bought one for ourselves haha 

RM1 seriously.

And then we went for the Dulux career talk on Saturday at Damansara Mutiara, suppose to take attendence but no one bother who actually went there -.- felt like kena tipu and ended up listening people speaking there somehow.

Tiger AMF concert at night, ignore my frizzy hair everyone was HOT there! Was rushing from North to South I don't know which direction actually xD Didn't have much food on that day and almost fainted in the concert, first time in my life i feel blindness, that's quite scary though. :( We left earlier and missed some part of the concert but it's okay since you were there with me haha! 

and yea! here comes the fourth week of APRIL and you know what's gonna happen =D 

Sincerely feel grateful to meet such bunch of coursemate. So nice and warm, every single one of you!


This is the very first photo that I Photoshop-ed in digital imaging class =D
So cool right?! 
Photo stolen from Facebook and Google. 


你开心的模样 静静在旁观看
好像黑白电影 人物剧本依旧
只是插曲连连 我们得去克服
坚持相信希望 未曾害怕恐惧
勇气到底哪来 啊我怎么知道?
未来在我们的手里 脑海自然一片清晰。







还是很自我陶醉~~~~ bye hahaha


清明节快到了,我们家上个星期日去义山扫墓。一年一度哟! 婆婆出国去出席婚礼所以今年老妈代班。在那边撑把冰淇淋,和家人聚聚感觉还不错温馨的。拜拜结束之后就各自回家啦,Meru 那边超塞车的!@@ 塞了一段路后,老爸就提议去吃个肉骨茶再回家。最后肉骨茶没吃成却吃了海鲜

位于Port Klang, 靠近North Port 的海南村有很多家海鲜餐馆我们去了其中一家在不懂什么小学后面的。旁边是别人的家,那个人早上出去到现在都还没有回来因为他的船不在。*乱ngap*





那个肥仔一直以为我在拍他 -.- 然后最后一张有人经过我也不敢再拍了。



Short one

Just a short post bout how's life been going on this few days. So yeah, last weekend wasn't really a nice one. Something happened and my life's in a mess. Life threatening enough that it almost took my breathe away. I was scared and panicked honestly. I can't make everybody happy as you know, haters gonna hate. Imma let it be and live my life, mind my own business, do what I should do and most importantly don't ever become that kind of person that I hate so much when I grow up. Live life appropriately.




每天都在憂鬱 相愛的 來不及深愛
每晚都像倒數 做錯的 怕沒機會悔改
眼看著鐘擺 一秒秒 沒打算停下來
直到陽光照常 照亮了 昏沈的腦袋

一覺 醒來 世界依然存在
一覺 醒來 末日並沒有來

既然是這樣 有什麼 還讓我想不開
早知道是這樣 為什麼 怕什麼意外

該愛的 就去愛 該有的沒有離開
想做的 就去做 不管有什麼樣的未來
胡思亂想 不如好好 活在現在

要笑得更豪邁 要愛得更恩愛
要活得更痛快 要跟時間比賽

過去一點挫敗 都好像 世界末日到來
末日愛來不來 不應該 自己先垮下來
現在每一天 都當做 是意外賺回來
既然是賺回來 更應該 過得更精彩

該愛的 就去愛 該有的沒有離開
想做的 就去做 不管有什麼樣的未來
胡思亂想 不如好好 活在現在

要笑得更豪邁 要愛得更恩愛 
要活得更痛快 要跟時間比賽

要笑得更豪邁 要愛得更恩愛
要活得更痛快 要跟時間比賽
等什麼 發什麼呆

Love U U

Love U U 我像孤獨的漁夫 
很想給你幸福 你卻自我保護

Love U U 卻在海裡迷了路
思念越嘗越苦 心跳亂了腳步 

就算用盡所有真心 卻到不了你的心底 
回憶難以靠近 你是我奢求的唯一 
讓我用盡所有力氣 只要你相信 
只剩一句Love U U stay with me

能不能別這樣放棄 能不能就放開自己 
海浪穿透我的傷心 請聽一聽愛的聲音

Rochelle's 1st Birthday

可爱的表妹终于一岁了,就大人很爱帮小孩子庆祝生日所以小孩子都很幸福。位于GardensKid's E World 有提供一些生日配套,包括午餐&入门票,总之小孩子可以在里面玩就很开心了哈哈! 大人可以放心在一旁讲话那些,这次到他们这些小孩子了。里面有姐姐在一旁看着避免孩子们玩到太激烈~ okay, 当了一天幼稚鬼 XD 

表妹 Rochelle , 就是她生日~ 


这个是给baby坐在上面类似旋转木马的soft toy,我们在那边根本就是巨人。 

很多小孩子不会比 ^^v hohoho!



Emi Yong Qi 感觉她很man XD



堂弟 Anthony Yong,他叫杨柏林。感觉很有学问,小时候就笑他boring! haha

看到这只熊比我们大只就很兴奋,拍完这张照旁边的姐姐赶我们下来 XD 好像很危险哦!

Anthony and Amanda 做么她?



堂弟 Edison 很型啦!




这两只降落的时候,那两个小孩直接被弹起来! 这些哥哥姐姐真是暴力~ @@

小孩子看到蛋糕就很兴奋,抢着要吹蜡烛。又不是你的生日啦! -.-

 Benjay & Rochelle

感觉我飘在空中, 视觉效果还不错哦!


完全没有杀伤力啦,小孩子玩的东西 XD 



在这里混了一整天 XD 谁叫我的cousin 全部酱小,就陪他们玩咯! 还不错开心的说!

okay bye!