
So yeah, it's the end of the year and everyone starts to go out on the street. This makes me feel like the population of our country grows 3 times more in a sudden. Sales and promotion is going on everywhere especially during this festive season. How tempting!!


Im stuck at home with the final assignment which means Im STUCK here! Wish to go out as every coursemates wish for. So, forgive me telling you guys Im busy with assignment every single time during the semester cause im really busy with it. Maybe Im super poor in managing my time but I tried kay. Will try harder from now on. =D

Came back to my nest on Christmas and start to chiong for the super-important-final-project until now without realising four days had passed. Christmas eve was like "just now". Seriously @@ It's like 5am now, imma sleep and wake up for group assignment tomorrow.

Late night is always the best time to blog, don't you think so? Especially when everyone is catching their ZZZ-s

Boyfie with the 囧 face from the land of Kimchi and me in my assignment 
i-dont-care-how-i look-like face. 

This dude just lost his phone like a big baby. 

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