
Honestly, today sucks! From the moment I woke up until the moment before I call it a day. Everything just screwed up and tons of unexpected stuff happened. First incident, I purposely went to Divisional Office to double-triple-super confirm I have a class on Friday at 4pm. Okay, I didn't come back to hometown because of the class yesterday, plan changed. Then, someone went to school today expecting that there will be a class, ended up receiving announcement that the lecturer will not be coming for class and the class is canceled.

I waited patiently as there will be an online quiz at 6pm. Studying whole day for the quiz and finally it's 6pm. Everyone got so excited and started answering the quiz. Only 3 questions appeared on the page and the system's screwed itself up. After that somebody contact the lecturer and he wish us to have a nice weekend and the quiz will be postponed to next week.

I stay back for the class and quiz, and they didn't happen. Patience challenged.

At night, some files went missing from the hard disk and blame accepted for that.

What a lovely day I had, thank God for the challenges. *sincerely*

How I wish everything turn up perfectly as I wish. 

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