
有一点伤感一点不舍 哈哈
又要有个新的开始了 又要面对不同的一群人
明年会怎样 大家一起期待吧! 可能会有艳遇 哈哈 XD
暂定三月才开学 科系心中自然有数 
其他的是阻力还是助力 交给上帝去安排吧~
这首歌是在唱我的情况吗? LOL 别闹了,萧敬腾! 



嘿~ 我真的好想你 
眼睛乾乾的 有想哭的心情 

太多的情緒 沒適當的表情 

如果沒有你 沒有過去 我不會有傷心 
但是有如果 還是要你 
如果沒有你 我在哪裡 又有甚麼可惜 
反正一切來不及 反正沒有了自己  

嘿~ 我真的好想你

Christmas night

Was spent attending a not-so-close-actually-i-dono-them relative's wedding dinner. Okay, at least it's a family gathering. Kinda wasted my whole year load of expectation towards Christmas... HOHOHO what a wonderful one. People, please don't get marry during any festival == seriously it ruins my mood. By the way, somehow the police in our beloved country likes to have road block in the middle of the night during festive season like Christmas, Chinese New Year... because people tend to get drunk and drive under the influence of alcohol? Mysterious case LOL

Pictures quality are quite bad cause I took them by using my lappy's webcam, for convenience sake. 
My naked face. Wish I could sparkle like Edward Cullen, from Twilight XD when I'm under the sunlight. It's too beautiful to sparkle like that @@ 

Sky tonight is full of stars, twinkling and shining forever. We should shine like one of them, no matter it's day time or night still they are shining. It's the end of the year, it's time to do some REFLECTION and think about what have we done in this year, IMPROVE ourselves, every single one of us could be BETTER in our own ways.   
Wish you had a merry Christmas and a fruitful year ahead. 
Good night Santa!

Song of the day
Love is all that I need, and I found it there in your heart. It isn't too hard too see...

I wanna be forever 18 :( but I couldn't.  



Aww, 初次见面它会害羞哪! 
不小心被你看到标签, 不好意思哟~ 泰迪说的
它今天没,不敢开口大笑... 我要去给它买根了~
它说要拍张正常点的... 好吧!
有像吗? 我眼睛睁不开啦~
泰迪真好。思想单纯像小孩, 我很他哟!



冬至去拿PMR成绩的右手举起来~~ *okay, 你可以放下了*。早晨各位,今日的天色好似年代,有点旧旧的感觉。年幼的人心住着的怀旧的灵魂,真是美妙。听听经典金曲再吃圆当早餐,姑娘心情正美好,一为秃头老先生顶着啤酒肚走过来说:"60 70年代的没有酱好听,80年代的比较好听。" 然后他就拿出手机说:" 我的电话里面有几首,开给你听。" == 囧啊! 播到一半,"做么停掉了的?" 其实有人打来, 跟他笑笑一下就走掉了, 幸好有人打来, 不然我要听完整首。! haha 



很摇摆 hahaha 


卡门 Carmen
爱情不过是一种普通的玩意儿 一点也不稀奇,这个很 哈哈

Hey, 你Like了吗? Like 按钮已经悄悄出现在这里了哟~
眼睛一粒大一粒小, 一粒单一粒双眼皮。发生什么事? ==


We can't experience WINTER in Malaysia but there's still somewhere on top of the mountain where we can have a lil getaway from the heat island. Yes, we called it Genting! It's like a must go place every holiday but the last time I went there was like few years back when we first met. Okay, grandmother story again == In reality, the last time I went there was Chinese New Year XD
and it's CHRISTMAS now! 
Lil Cousin, he has that card to play for free for a year in the indoor theme park.  
This is his sister, EMI. She has that card too! Im too old to have one ==*
F.O.C room booked by 2nd uncle! thankiew! 
As we know, it's the only casino in our country but I'm still underage. So, siblings and I went to ''da gei'' (video game) yea, that place was super crowded! That machine will actually vomit reward you a few yellow tickets when you have achieved certain points in the game. We spent uncle paid for us$$ like RM150 to get 1600+ tickets, how satisfied!
They're all on the floor!
fluffy hair is back! We won this whole stack! wohoo!
The yellow tickets are very valuable okay, don't throw them away if you don't need 'em. Give them to a little girl or boy, be their Santa! But wait, you have to feed the ticket eater first!
Macam yes! I would have paint it into a monster if it's mine LOL purple ticket eater!
Went for some shooting as well~ that green pin on the floor was shot down by me okay! ain't pro though XD
Genting has changed the reward system. There's no longer a counter for you to exchange teddy or sticker. You can use the tickets to "buy" stuff, 40yellow tix= One Ringgit. We got ourselves a teddy bear, will show it to you guys next time~ hohoho!

Cheong K!
And then we went to cheong k from 10.30pm until like 3am. Was fun but the system there damn lousy I tell you! Old songs, old mic, and old room! Urgh, but no choice this is the only cheong k place we can find in Genting Highland!

After coming back from Melaka, I straightaway went to Mont Kiara to have Japanese buffet then randomly decided to follow uncle to Genting. What an amazing weekend I had with my friends and my family~ love them to the MAX! Another exciting weekend is coming! Will attend a Baha'i Junior Youth camp from Thursday till Sunday and my father's birthday celebration this Saturday! December never disappoint me~

Feel sorry that I can't go to the concert that I wanted to go since last year. Sincerely, ME. 

Just another random camwhore session

Went jogging this morning, I seldom wake up so early as you know ;) Didn't jog much this time~ I finally have my breakfast after skipping it for so many days TEEHEE! Usually I just have my brunch and dinner, very unhealthy lifestyle. Guys and girls, Christmas is coming soon and I'm really excited about it! Not a Christian though == 

Btw, this is what I do in a random morning~ 
Smile like the sun. 
Give everyone a virtual kiss.
Fake a smile. 
And feel vain about myself after doing all these above.
I wonder if you read my blog ==* kay thanks bye~
Another random thought, guy frieends like to say OKAY when they have serious talk but my father keeps using OKAY in every sentence when he is drunk LOL

Have and nice day!

Forever alone, I mean sometimes

College mates ponteng-ed malaysian studies and moral education and went to lepak around KL area. It was such a successful bonding session. As you can see, the bunch of us is like very erm I mean super 阴盛阳衰, haha means imbalance in gender of members in a group or something like that. We took a lot of photos, laughed a lot, gossip a little and had so much fun. I'll definitely miss that day and a HUGE thank you for those who had put in their effort for planning this outing informing everyone and stuff like that. Next thing is, I stayed over at Jenn's hostel, the guard was like super ganas, but still I can 混 into that highly secured area XD another thank you for Jenn's housemate for err sshhhh, you no need to know that haha
Everyone walked a lot that day, don't know how many km-s. And then we had our dinner at BBQ plaza, wohoo! The songs played in that restaurant was like very sing-able XD We sang along of course~ not being LOA okay!
Pink nail polish I bought that day, no matter how tired I still painted my nail :) right hand one was abit cacat, cause I can't control my left hand properly LOL
That guy was changing my car battery ==
This was what happened. I walk to the elephant walk [the free car park] and found out that I couldn't start my car. Not really panicking == I called my father... and then another 3 guys. LOL! but no one could help cause they were too far far away. And finally one of the male friend, who didn't go to work that day gave me the phone number of his boss and my father called him and I called him too and then ended up 2 car mechanics came and rescued me. Jenn came and took a photo of me too~ all these words actually happened in real life for around an hour, means I waited there for an hour to settle all the stuff before I went home. Once again, thank you for worrying yo! 
Forever Alone

and now my SD card was "injured" I did nothing to it and it just can't be opened and detected by laptop or pc  == WTF! I have a lot of precious photo in it! May GOD recover my SD from this injury, amen.


OMG!!! I think girls gonna like this! Let me introduce you the cutest and sweetest stuff on earth currently that have induced my curiosity towards it. MY GOD! It's too adorable just like KevJumba. For sure it's gonna be an eye-catcher if people see you holding it.  
It is actually a brand from Taiwan. 
 JumpFromPaper actually means「從紙上跳出來的包包」how creative :D Have you ever think of “How amazing it would be if a two-dimensional hand-drawn illustration could come to life as a real bag!” ?? The designers of this actually thought of it randomly in a cozy afternoon. So, appreciate those who are random around you, who knows one day they might be successful? Just like both of them 
Rika (right),Chay (left)
Can't wait to see 'em right? I mean the bags~ drum roll~~~~~ just showing a few that I really feel like owning. There are a variety of collection though, do check 'em out, super cute!
手提書包 Hola!
Play Hooky 摸魚包
Cheese! 相機包
Awesome right? Start writing letter for Santa and post it to the North Pole, erm, my house doesn't have a chimney so can you just leave the beautifully wrapped present in my mail box? Aww, I do believe in Santa Claus XD but I believe my mom MORE. 

Well, we can actually get it from Malaysia. They are available now at Pipit Zakka Store Tokyo Street Pavilion. Prizes are around RM250--RM300. A bit pricey but worth it :) 
have a look *click me* you can contact them as well if you wanna get one.
So, this is their FB link--> https://www.facebook.com/JumpFromPaper all the way from Taiwan
and another FB link--> https://www.facebook.com/JumpFromPaper.My for Malaysia
and their official website --> http://jumpfrompaper.com/ 

If your imagination is kinda limited, it's okay  XD Taiwan news that report everything actually reported about these bags!

Can't wait to get one soon!! I mean NOW! urgh!