
Hey guys, how y'all doing? *sounds familiar* I've been watching videos in YouTube recently and I've found a few really awesome talented good-looking guys. First of all, Ryan Higa. He has 4,533,019 subscribers currently which is the second most subscribed YouTube channel of all time. Can you imagine that? 4.5 million subscribers!! @@ He's actually a Japanese-American, 21 year old, and a comedian from Hawaii, United States.
Ryan Higa. 

His videos are really entertaining, check his YouTube Channel here as well as twitter and his official website and his facebook. If you watch his videos you will find that every TEEHEE at the end of his videos are different and he can speak really FAST like vrom!  
Awesome right?

The following one is Kevin Wu also known as KevJumba in YouTube He's a Chinese-American and his parents are immigrants from Taiwan. Btw, you can often see his father Michael Wu in his video. Both of them are just so hilarious. He currently has 2,064,437 subscribers which is the #11-Most Subscribed (All time) yea, I have to admit that some of his videos are lame yet cute XD haha Want to know more? Have a look at his facebooktwitter and official site. Do create a YouTube account and subscribe them! :D

Papa Jumba and his son. Epic facial expression! 
Cool right? 

and LeeHom's new music video--> 依然爱你, was directed by WongFu Productions! Thumbs up for them! After all, YouTube is such a nice place to spend my spare time. TEEHEE!

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