Good night

While my parents are still chilling somewhere over the rainbow~~~~ Can't wait to see all the stuff they bought there!! Perhaps some for me? *wink wink*
Yeng right? Lovely couple in Europe. 

I just came back from a luxury wedding dinner, it's Esther and Benjamin Big Day! Aww, how sweet! which is also a tiring day. Reason being I stayed up until % yesterday talking to my girl and study a bit for my final exam instead of sleeping in the afternoon. SERIOUSLY Exhausted! Btw, watched 那些年, it deserves a second watch! Forgive the yellowish-ness of the following photos XD
Don't read my blog with this kind of facial expression. 
try to exercise your facial muscle more
Firstly, smile. 
Smile more, show your teeth with confident.
To be more charming, bend your head a bit and hide some of your fats to create an optical illusion.
Don't forget your lips and eyes which are on your face too.
Don't overwork your facial muscle, this is what happen when it get cramped!  
Good night my special you~ really love how we encourage each other through the ups and downs *mostly down* haha  I don't want this fairy tale to end so soon, can I? 


Joan said...

U watched 那些年? 0.0

Ying said...

Yeap! super nice, gonna watch it again if possible