Good night

While my parents are still chilling somewhere over the rainbow~~~~ Can't wait to see all the stuff they bought there!! Perhaps some for me? *wink wink*
Yeng right? Lovely couple in Europe. 

I just came back from a luxury wedding dinner, it's Esther and Benjamin Big Day! Aww, how sweet! which is also a tiring day. Reason being I stayed up until % yesterday talking to my girl and study a bit for my final exam instead of sleeping in the afternoon. SERIOUSLY Exhausted! Btw, watched 那些年, it deserves a second watch! Forgive the yellowish-ness of the following photos XD
Don't read my blog with this kind of facial expression. 
try to exercise your facial muscle more
Firstly, smile. 
Smile more, show your teeth with confident.
To be more charming, bend your head a bit and hide some of your fats to create an optical illusion.
Don't forget your lips and eyes which are on your face too.
Don't overwork your facial muscle, this is what happen when it get cramped!  
Good night my special you~ really love how we encourage each other through the ups and downs *mostly down* haha  I don't want this fairy tale to end so soon, can I? 


First of all, this is a very nice movie to watch for girls. It talks about friendship, I believe every girl has a best friend regardless of how sincere you are to each other. You do have a best friend right? Fake best friend is meaningless though. CAUTION: there's sex scene in this movie.    

I love the lightning and clothing and the plot of this movie. I would watch this again without a doubt. It talks about the weird roommate as well.  

I love how Kristen Wiig look in this movie, blazer with a cute dress. This is a happy ending movie, for those who resist to watch sad ending movie, might like this XD Okay, I should get back to my study mood. 
 – ©

just a short post

This is just a short post about how's life been going this two days or three. 
Sunday was hmm... fun and busy as usual. I went to join the Junior Youth-s service project last few hours after they harvested the vege that they've planted few months before this. Last time we did plant vege-s too~  when we were still young XD *as if im not now* yea, so, i din't contribute any energy but eating. That was another form of helping too, cause they harvested too much and no one wanted to eat anymore. I went art class on the same day as well. Painting is fun! :D 
 I didn't finish that whole plate actually. 

Monday was a good start as I reached the first class on time. Even teacher noticed my presence when she step into the class. How awkward == However, the weather sucks!  to the max!! urgh! When I was rushing *and so do everyone else who were walking* to the car park after college was ended, the wind started to become stronger and stronger, and then tiny little rain drops water molecules start falling down until it got larger and larger. Although I opened up my umbrella, I was partially soaking wet. My umbrella isn't big enough to cover me from top to toe. Quite pekcek actually, walking in the rain alone.

Wednesday was the last day for me attending classes for AUSMAT. hmm... Lecturers didn't teach much as everyone starts to skip classes and study at home. I was charging my phone during classes LOL listening task was interesting~ and it was another i-rush-to-carpark-before-the-pouring-rain day. I can't find my own car this time, walao! was panicking in the rain~ and lastly I found my car :) bad eye sight TEEHEE! Parents came and prepared dinner for us. Here it goes, 

Luxury dinner in the house
this whole thing was prepared by my personal chef father =D yay him! home-made mushroom soup was awesome!


Hey guys, how y'all doing? *sounds familiar* I've been watching videos in YouTube recently and I've found a few really awesome talented good-looking guys. First of all, Ryan Higa. He has 4,533,019 subscribers currently which is the second most subscribed YouTube channel of all time. Can you imagine that? 4.5 million subscribers!! @@ He's actually a Japanese-American, 21 year old, and a comedian from Hawaii, United States.
Ryan Higa. 

His videos are really entertaining, check his YouTube Channel here as well as twitter and his official website and his facebook. If you watch his videos you will find that every TEEHEE at the end of his videos are different and he can speak really FAST like vrom!  
Awesome right?

The following one is Kevin Wu also known as KevJumba in YouTube He's a Chinese-American and his parents are immigrants from Taiwan. Btw, you can often see his father Michael Wu in his video. Both of them are just so hilarious. He currently has 2,064,437 subscribers which is the #11-Most Subscribed (All time) yea, I have to admit that some of his videos are lame yet cute XD haha Want to know more? Have a look at his facebooktwitter and official site. Do create a YouTube account and subscribe them! :D

Papa Jumba and his son. Epic facial expression! 
Cool right? 

and LeeHom's new music video--> 依然爱你, was directed by WongFu Productions! Thumbs up for them! After all, YouTube is such a nice place to spend my spare time. TEEHEE!


一个不小心 看了以前写的文章
天啊! 当时我是在干嘛? 以前我都长这样吗? 我是怎么活过来的?  
抱歉了 读者们, 原来大家都是这样一路挨过来的。
一路上的风风雨雨 *沙飞进眼睛* 有些已经忘了,因为不敢写太明, 一直用暗喻 结果整件事记录到一粒一粒 好像没写到酱 xD 
不是我故意的咯,当时心智还没成熟 写出来的东西就像小猫 没错,这是我为自己找的借口。
这个周末过完,就要死回去拼年终考试了~ 我的天哪! 我有个不堪回首的过去。
注释: 小猫: 指作者词穷兼random 的心情。